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Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Why Forum Members Banned Their Forum Account

Posting on Forum

Posting on forums are not difficult but we need to be desiplince.

It cause due to fellowings

Without reading instructions

Ignorance of Rules

Junk & Unrelated Post


1.First of all Read the forums rules,guidelines before posting for the first time in any forum.

2.See other member’s whose posts already posted about those threat.

3.Use a meaningful title for your thread.

4.Forum’s are not place of advertisement, So do not use a forum to promote your service,business,sites.

5.Always Stay on topic which you going to dicsuss.

6.Do not use common words many times like ”urgent” or ”important” and not post ”empty” or useless words, such as ”lol” or ”cool.”etc ……  in your post sentences.

7.Do not post junk posting like”Yesssssssssssss”.

8.Do not post that are illegal or that violates a  rules.

9.Ignore spamming posting”do not post much quickly in less time”.

10.Do not called someone else’s thread for a private conversation to get any king of help or any other resons.

11.Do not post duplicate or not use copy paste.

12.Talk to good manners when you want to get any help from any member by using private message service.

13.Do not use any sign more times while shooting on posting like ”Sign of exclamation”.

14.Post in sense of humor because there are globally different variety of backgrounds.

About Chuck

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut odio. Nam sed est. Nam a risus et est iaculis adipiscing. Vestibulum ante ipsum faucibus luctus et ultrices.
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